Message from the Mayor: 21 July 2023

Published on 21 July 2023

Hello, I'm John Connors the Mayor of the Dungog Shire, bringing you this week's Mayoral Message.

The dominant issue within the Shire at the moment is of course, the Brig O’Johnston bridge. It was an issue prior to the damage that was recently occasioned to it, it's been an issue for many years. I think the temporary Bailey structure has been on the bridge for about 20 years. Council has been continually fighting for funding to replace the bridge and has had countless discussions with Transport for NSW who are the owners of the existing bridge.

Finally in 2021, funding was approved by the Federal Government and the NSW Government to build a replacement bridge, a bridge upstream of the existing timber structure.

Work commenced on the necessary planning for the construction of that bridge and has progressed to the point where a design has been finalised and approved by Heritage, which it had to be so that it didn't impact on the heritage value of the existing timber bridge. That's at a point where, apart from a couple of small land acquisitions, the project could have proceeded.

Unfortunately, due to the delay and the current circumstances, the price had increased, and funding was sought for an additional $4.86 million. The business case for that funding was put to Transport for NSW in December last. And regrettably, whilst that was being considered, the Federal Government imposed their 90 Day clamp on all infrastructure spending to facilitate a review. That review is still in the pipeline and we understand there will be no decision made on that until late September at the earliest, when the committee will report to the Minister and the decision will ultimately be the Ministers.

We have continued to lobby politicians seeking that the funding not be stopped and that the additional funding be forthcoming. We've lobbied both State and Federal politicians and we'll continue to do so but I ask all of you, and particularly those that are impacted by the bridge being closed, to make contact with the State and Federal politicians, with any politician that might be known to you and with politicians that aren't known to you but represent you. The Member for Upper Hunter, the Federal Member for Lynne, the neighbouring Member for the seat of Patterson, all of them.

We can and we will continue our advocacy with those politicians but if they can see a community agitation I'm sure that will have an impact on the decision they might ultimately make. So I urge you all, express your opinion loudly and longely, but do it to the politicians who ultimately are going to be the decision makers.

Still on bridge, we were advised yesterday by Transport for NSW that they wanted to use the Lions Park adjacent to the bridge in Clarence Town and that approval has been granted. They want to use it as a base to facilitate the work on the bridge. They've indicated that they anticipate work will commence on the 26th or 27th of July. But that work we understand, will be preliminary further evaluation. No timeframe has been yet given for the completion of the work.

We have sought from Transport for NSW details of the availability of pedestrian access across the bridge and they have not yet responded. We know that at the moment pedestrians are using the bridge but how long that can continue, we don't know. Will it be able to continue during the time that the works have been carried out, we don't know. They're the things we're seeking the answers to from Transport for NSW and we're still waiting. As soon as we do receive those answers we’ll publicise it on social media and throughout all available channels.


I can assure everybody that Council is well aware of the inconvenience and of the additional cost to people and we're doing everything we can, but I emphasise the bridge is not ours, we have no control over it. The bridge is owned by Transport for NSW and all we can do is agitate to them and to the Federal Government for the funding for the replacement bridge, which will be ours.

Onto other matters, Council at its meeting on Wednesday night approved the Waste Strategy to go out on Exhibition for public comment. It is now on Exhibition and will go up on Councils website today. I urge everybody to have a look at it and to express their views to Council within the exhibition period. It’s a very important issue. With a growing population and with what the experts suggest will be the ever increasing population throughout the whole Shire in coming years. So please read it. And if you have comments, please make them within the exhibition period so they can be considered by Council before the strategy is ultimately adopted.

Wednesday last saw the opening of the Dungog Shire Library renovations and additions by The Hon. George Souris, President of the Library Council of NSW. The attendance of members of the community, and the general activity at the library on that day, highlights the significance of the library to the community of the Dungog Shire.

The librarians indicate that there has been a significant increase in visitation to the library since the additions have taken place, all of which is very encouraging. And whilst the library now offers a lot of IT and the like, the librarians indicate that much of the attendance is traditional borrowing. So as well as people coming to us the IT facilities that are now available, that's all gratifying and great to see that the project was well worthwhile.

Roads and bridges continue to be a focus with work continuing on Clarence Town Road on the approach to Dungog and on Sugarloaf Road and the numerous bridges throughout the Shire. The greatest impact to the community at the moment with bridges is Jordans bridge on Summer Hill Road where Summer Hill Road is closed to enable that bridge construction to take place.

In all other instances, access is still available and will hopefully continue to be available while the construction takes place.

So I think with those words, that's it for me for this week. So until next week, good luck and goodbye.


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