Public Exhibition - Draft Bushfire Prone Land Maps

Bush Fire Prone Land (BFPL) is an area of land that has the potential to carry a bush fire and may be subject to bush fire attack.  In accordance with section 10.3 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979, Councils are required to prepare a Bush Fire Prone Land Map in consultation with the NSW RFS. The map is then certified by the Commissioner of the NSW RFS. 

The draft BFPL Map identifies vegetation hazard across the LGA.  This includes vegetated areas and land that falls within the buffer distance of that vegetation. The draft BFPL Map includes four different categories based on vegetation hazard as follows:

 Vegetation Category 1 (Red)  Land considered to be the highest vegetation hazard for bushfire and surrounded by a 100m buffer (buffer is Yellow). Vegetation Category 1 consists of areas of forest, woodlands, heaths (tall and short), forested wetlands and timber plantations.
 Vegetation Category 3 (Dark Orange)  Land considered to be a medium vegetation hazard for bushfire and surrounded by a 30m buffer (buffer is yellow). Vegetation Category 3 consists of grasslands, freshwater wetlands, semi-arid woodlands, alpine complex and arid shrublands.
Vegetation Category 2 (Light Orange)  Land considered to be a lower vegetation hazard bushfire than categories 1 and 3. It is surrounded by a 30m buffer (buffer is yellow). Vegetation Category 2 consists mainly of rainforests and lower risk vegetation parcels, for example due to active management, topography, access and likelihood of fire detection by the community. 
 Vegetation Buffer Zone (Yellow)  A vegetation buffer is defined as an area within close proximity to a vegetation category 1, 2 or 3 that may be impacted by the hazard from conditions such as ember attack, radiant heat and/or flame contact.


Have Your Say

We invite you to make a submission in writing on the draft Bush Fire Prone Land Map. 

Submissions will be accepted up until 5pm, Wednesday 5th February 2025

Telephone enquiries may be directed to Council at 02 4995 7777.