Public Exhibition - Community Strategic Plan


Join us for the upcoming public exhibition of the Draft Community Strategic Plan.

Purpose of the Exhibition:

Following the ordinary election of the Mayor and councillors, the council is required to review the Community Strategic Plan (CSP) by June 30 of the next year. 

The CSP is the highest-level plan that a council will prepare. The purpose of the CSP is to identify the community's main priorities and aspirations for the future and to plan strategies for achieving these goals. It guides all remaining strategies and plans and must be developed by councils with and on behalf of the community.

The review also includes the development of a Delivery Program, Operational Plan, Resourcing Strategy, Budget, and Fees & Charges.

The Process so Far:

  • Council conducts a biennial independent community survey to access community views to inform this review. Survey results from 2022 and 2024 have been key contributors to the review so far.
  • The Mayor, Councillors and staff have participated in a number of briefings and workshops to review the existing CSP Strategies and Indicators of Success.

Early Identification of Aspirations:

  • Recognising community aspirations early allows for consideration of funding and grant opportunities, as these projects often require reallocation of funds or rely on secured grant funding.
  • It is important to note that some aspirations identified may require collaboration with state government agencies and community groups, especially if they exceed the council’s direct responsibility or existing budget constraints. 

Upcoming Formal Public Exhibition Period:

  • The formal public exhibition will commence on Thursday, April 17, 2025, and conclude on Friday, May 16, 2025.
  • Council will be holding a series of drop-in workshops and information sessions during the formal exhibition period.
  • This exhibition offers the community a chance to review documents, seek clarifications, and provide feedback on the drafts. The drafts have been reviewed by the elected Council in cooperation with Council staff, integrating actions from existing strategies and plans previously agreed upon with the community, such as the Economic Development Plan, Cultural Plan, Tourist Plan, Recreation and Open Space Plan, and infrastructure plans.
  • More information will be provided as the formal exhibition period approaches.

Submission Deadline:

Submissions will be accepted until 5 PM on Friday May 16, 2025.

After the exhibition, community feedback will be reviewed before the Council's endorsement by June 30, 2025.

We value and appreciate your input!