Clarence Town Structure Plan and Streetscape Master Plan

Project background

Dungog Shire Council was successful in obtaining a NSW Government grant to prepare a Structure Plan for Clarence Town including a Streetscape Master Plan for the town centre. The aim of the Clarence Town Structure Plan is to ensure that opportunities are identified for rural residential development and town centre growth whilst ensuring that local environmental values, biodiversity, scenic, landscape, significant agricultural land and rural character are maintained.

It is envisaged that the Structure Plan will establish a clear vision and guiding principles for the next 30 years that facilitates:

  • Growth within Clarence Town for the short, medium and long term;
  • Improvements to the town centre, public domain and streetscape needed to create a high-quality urban area and support growth in employment, shops, services and tourism, and
  • Enhanced social interaction through careful placement of social facilities and infrastructure.

Following community workshops held in late 2024, Dungog Shire Council is pleased to now invite the community to provide their feedback during the public exhibition period of the Structure Plan and Streetscape Master Plan.

Council will also be holding a number of information sessions so if you'd like to know more or have any questions, please come and see us in person at one of the following sessions: 

⏱Saturday, 22 February
9am – 12pm at the Clarence Town Markets
1pm – 4pm in front of the Clarence Town IGA
⏱Tuesday, 4 March
4:30pm – 6:30pm at the Clarence Town School of Arts Hall


For those who prefer to view the plans in print or are unable to access them online, printed copies are available for review at the following locations:

  • Dungog Shire Council Administration Building

198 Dowling St, Dungog

  • Dungog Library

17 Mackay St, Dungog

  • Clarence Town Post Office

4/116 Prince St, Clarence Town


Project Q&A's 

What is the vision for Clarence Town?

The Structure Plan sets the following vision, which has been developed from community feedback:

Clarence Town is cherished for its rural charm and scenic landscapes, nestled among rolling farmlands, national parks and the tranquil Williams River. It will be a vibrant, inclusive community where local businesses and the economy will be revitalised to foster local employment and amenity, so residents of all ages can thrive. Diverse and affordable housing options, a lively walkable town centre and a deep connection to nature will make Clarence Town an attractive place for future generations to live, work and play for the next 30 years and beyond.

What is the purpose of the Clarence Town Structure Plan?

The purpose of the Structure Plan is to set a strategic planning framework to guide the future development and growth of the Clarence Town Study Area over the next 30 years. This will assist Council in assessing future planning proposals for the rezoning of land or changes to current planning controls, in addition to help plan for improvements to support the local community.

The Plan considers the existing opportunities and constraints of the town and identifies locations where future growth could be considered to meet the State government dwelling target by 2041, subject to further detailed investigations.

By setting a framework for growth, the Plan will enable the local community, industry, and stakeholders to better understand Council’s priorities for land-use planning and development outcomes in the area.

Does the Structure Plan rezone land or change minimum lot sizes?

No, Structure Plans set a strategic planning framework, but does not change planning controls. To change land use zones or planning controls such as minimum lot sizes, a Planning Proposal process is required. A Planning Proposal must demonstrate that it has strategic merit and site-specific merit.

Also, an endorsed Structure Plan enables Planning Proposals to be considered against a strategic merit requirement. It is then up to proponents to undertake the necessary studies and detailed site investigations to demonstrate that proposals have site-specific merit, in addition to demonstrating strategic value. 

My land is shown as an Opportunity Site. What does that mean?

The background analysis report investigated whether the NSW government's 2041 dwelling targets could be met within existing zoned land across the study area based on a desktop review of opportunities and constraints. The report found that Clarence Town was likely to fall short of meeting the target without future Planning Proposals. The consultants tested a hypothetical development scenario to demonstrate how the dwelling target could potentially be achieved with a change in approach to dwelling density and typology in the urban centre, and with potential changes to zoning and/or minimum lot size outside the centre.

Opportunity Sites were selected by the consultants based on several factors, including:

  • their proximity to the town centre,
  • large sized land holdings
  • lesser environmental constraints compared to other sites based on a desktop analysis.

These sites were considered to have strategic merit for future consideration to accommodate growth.

The realisation of these Opportunity Sites will depend on the willingness of landowners to progress with a detailed investigation of environmental constraints to be able to demonstrate site specific merit, including being able to demonstrate the site has access to adequate infrastructure and servicing, as part of future Planning Proposal and Development Applications.

Has the Structure Plan been informed by the capacity of the infrastructure system to accommodate additional growth?

Not at this stage as the information is unknown. Council has secured a Commonwealth Government grant to appoint a consultant to undertake an Infrastructure Capacity and Prioritisation Plan as part of the Dungog Shire Housing & Infrastructure Master Plan in 2025-2026. This will assist proponents and government to better understand which sites might have development potential from an infrastructure perspective both now and in the future.

My land is heavily vegetated but has been identified as an Opportunity Site. Does that mean clearing of my land and removal of vegetation is supported by Council?

No. The Structure Plan focuses on strategic merit rather than site specific merit, and has been informed by a desktop analysis from existing government mapping sites. While the available mapping includes identifying land mapped by the State government as having high environmental value and biodiversity values, there are no detailed studies or maps that consider the extent and value of native vegetation on a site-specific basis including the role native vegetation may play in wildlife corridors. Detailed studies are required to be undertaken by proponents as part of preparing a Planning Proposal and/or Development Application to determine the capacity of their land to accommodate growth, and develop appropriate designs that mitigate vegetation loss and impacts.

When will the works identified in the Streetscape Master Plan be implemented?

The Structure Plan includes an action for Council to update the Dungog Shire Open Space and Recreation Plan 2022 to include the recommendations of the Streetscape Master Plan and to confirm scheduling and funding requirements.

My land is currently used for agriculture but has been identified as an opportunity site in the Structure Plan for either housing or employment. How will the Structure Plan affect my continued agricultural use of the land?

The Structure Plan does not make any changes to the current use of land. It is up to land owners to determine if they wish to pursue a Planning Proposal for a change in zoning and land use in the future, subject to the outcome of the Council led infrastructure plan and Proponent led detailed site investigations. The Structure Plan encourages precincts to be developed as a whole to mitigate land use conflicts and/or incorporate sufficient buffers in future rezonings and designs.

What type of housing does the Structure Plan promote for the town centre?

The Structure Plan promotes the accommodation of a broad range of dwelling types such as houses, dual occupancies, multi-unit housing, residential flat buildings and seniors housing within the existing lands zoned E1 and R1 in the town centre, which already contain flexible planning controls for development . The Plan also seeks to build a stronger commercial and retail core to support local jobs and create a more vibrant local centre for residents and visitors. It identifies a key dining, entertainment and tourism precinct while respecting the importance of heritage conservation within the town centre.

Does the Structure Plan envisage an expansion of the town centre for housing development?

Council was required to consider any opportunities to expand the town centre to accommodate additional housing to meet the State dwelling targets. The boundaries of the existing town centre are constrained by physical attributes such as the river and heavily vegetated land. Only one large opportunity site may be capable of expanding the town centre subject to being able to connect to town water and sewer.

To meet future growth targets the Structure Plan also identified an opportunity site for the potential development of a new master planned neighbourhood located on the eastern side of the river, subject to being able to connect to town water and sewer and being appropriately serviced by road and cycleway upgrades.

What is the process after the public exhibition of the draft Clarence Town Structure Plan?

Following the public exhibition period, Council will review and assess all public submissions received. Where submissions highlight valid concerns or opportunities with strategic merit, updates may be made to the structure plan to address these issues.

An engagement report summarising the submissions, Council's responses, and any proposed updates will then be prepared. This report, along with the revised structure plan, will be presented to Council for endorsement.

Once endorsed, the final document will be used as a guiding framework to assess the strategic merit of future Planning Proposals within the area, ensuring alignment with the overarching goals and objectives of the Clarence Town Structure Plan.

Project Timeline

The program is governed by the Government grant deadlines. An extended exhibition period beyond 28 days is planned due to time of year.

13 Aug 2024: 
Community Consultation Workshops held

Aug – Oct 2024:
Development of draft Structure Plan & Streetscape Master Plan      

29 Jan 2025:
Draft Structure Plan & Streetscape Master Plan reported to Council meeting for endorsement to place on public exhibition

Mid Feb 2025:
Four weeks of public exhibition period commences

Apr 2025:
Update and finalise draft plans post public exhibition

May/June 2025: 
Final Structure Plan and Streetscape Master Plan reported to Council meeting for endorsement
Project completed and submitted to the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure