
Section 355 Committees

Under the Local Government Act 1993 Section 355 Council is able to delegate some of its functions to a committee of Council. 

Council uses this delegation and appoints community people to manage our facilities or functions through a committee of management. Memberships include a Councillor and community representatives.  

Section 355 of the Local Government Act 1993 provides that: “A function of a Council may be exercised by a committee of the Council”.   Section 377 of the Local Government Act 1993 allows Council to delegate certain responsibilities to committees formed under the provisions of Section 355. Once appointed, Section 355 Committees are effectively a volunteer extension of Council. 

Council has a number of Section 355 Committees which are formed to help council perform some of its key functions.  These functions usually relate to the care and basic maintenance of facilities, recreation grounds and halls or the running of council events. 

Committee members are volunteers from the community and the functions they perform on behalf of Council may not be able to be delivered or would need to be performed by council staff, if we did not delegate these to the Committees. 


Audit Risk and Improvement Committee

The Audit Risk and Improvement Committees role is to keep under review the following aspects of Council's operations:

(a) compliance.

(b) risk management.

(c) fraud control.

(d) financial management.

(e) governance.

(f) implementation of the strategic plan, delivery program and strategies.

(g) service reviews.

(h) collection of performance measurement data by the council.

(i) any other matters prescribed by the regulations.