Development/Construction Certificate Application

Development Applications, Construction Certificates and Principal Certifier Appointments (person undertaking the inspections) are required to be lodged via the NSW Planning Portal.

Pre DA consultation is considered to be important as it provides the opportunity for Council staff to direct applicants to the relevant components of this DCP. This can save applicants much time and expense. Council's Town Planning staff can generally be contacted on (02) 4995 7777 between 9.00 am and 12.00 pm Monday to Friday.

Generally, a DA must include as a minimum the following:

  • a completed DA form;
  • all owner's consent;
  • site plan/analysis; (NB: watercourses must be marked on plans)
  • plans of the proposal;
  • a BASIX Assessment; (if applicable)
  • a soil erosion and sediment control plan (for development which disturbs soil);
  • a Statement of Environmental Effects (SoEE);
  • payment of an application fee;
  • a heritage impact statement (where applicable);
  • a bushfire assessment (where applicable);
  • an ecological report (where applicable); and
  • treatment of any watercourse crossing or gully crossing.

Additional application requirements for specific developments (including but not limited to subdivision, tourism and effluent disposal) can be obtained from Council.

Applications received without necessary information will not be accepted and will be returned to the applicant.

Owner's Consent

The consent of all owners of the land to the lodgement of the application is required. If the owner is a company, the DA must be signed by an authorised director and the company seal stamped on the form.

An Owner's Consent form that can be completed and submitted with a Development Application can be accessed here- Owners-Consent.pdf(PDF, 164KB)

Site Plan

A site plan is a bird's eye view of your land and must include details on existing and proposed development. A site plan should preferably be drawn at a scale of 1:500 and include:

  • the location, full boundary dimensions, site area and orientation of the land (show north point);
  • footprint of existing and proposed buildings in relation to site boundaries;
  • existing vegetation and trees on the land;
  • location of any existing and proposed landscaping features such as fences, swimming pools, driveways, retaining walls and paved areas;
  • location of existing trees and trees to be removed;
  • encumbrances on land such as easements and right of carriageways;
  • distance from outmost part of proposed building to all boundaries;
  • location and uses of adjoining development in relation to site boundaries;
  • any heritage item on the property or neighbouring properties;
  • location of any watercourse or gully within 40m of proposed development site;
  • location of access road and any watercourse/gully that it may cross.

Floor Plan

A floor plan is a bird's eye view of your existing and proposed development with the roof removed. Floor plans should be drawn at a scale of 1: 100 and include:

  • room names,
  • dimensions and intended uses;
  • window and door locations and dimensions;
  • finished floor levels and steps in floor levels;  
  • location of plumbing fixtures; and
  • wall structure and thickness.


Elevations provide a side view of your buildings and indicate how the building will look on all sides after it is completed. Elevations of all four sides must be provided, preferably at a scale of 1: 100. They should include:

  • exterior cladding type and roof materials;
  • window and door locations and dimensions;
  • location of downpipes and gutters; and
  • floor, ceiling and roof height above ground level.

Landscape Plan

Some developments may require the need to prepare a landscape plan. A landscape plan should nominate the location and purpose of the main planting areas. Existing significant trees should be included within the main planting areas, where practicable. All proposed planting should be native plants, preferably endemic to the locality and measures taken to ensure ongoing viability of the plantings by way of maintenance schedules should be included, however this may vary on bushfire prone land.

BASIX Certificate

See the BASIX website for further information.

Statement of Environmental Effects

Does your statement cover as a minimum:

  • Site analysis/existing uses.
  • Operational details.
  • Access and traffic
  • Utility services and waste disposal
  • Energy efficiency
  • Privacy, views, overshadowing
  • Waste Management Plan
  • Flooding and drainage
  • Pollution control
  • Heritage conservation
  • Flora and fauna issues.
  • Mitigation measures
  • Impact on adjacent development.
  • Competence with Council Development Control Plan No 1.

Application Fee

The EP&A Regulation specifies DA fees based on the estimated cost of development. Please contact Council on (02) 4995 7777 with the estimated cost of the development for the fee structure.

Applications that require advertising or referral under the Integrated Development process will incur additional fees.

Development Application Checklist

Have you included?

  • The location/site plan of the land.
  • Plans of the proposed development.
  • Advertising/notification plans, showing heights of buildings.
  • Waste Management Plan (where applicable)
  • Statement of Environmental Effects
  • Correct owner & applicant details
  • Written owners consent
  • Correct property details
  • Home Warranty Insurance - for residential buildings over $20,000
  • Long Service Corporation Levy - for buildings work $250,000 and over.
  • Plans stamped by Hunter Water Corporation (if the property is serviced by reticulated water and/or reticulated sewerage).

We advise that in some circumstances substantial additional information must be lodged in support of the application.