Planning - Stables The objective of this policy is to provide requirements for placement of stables near dwelling houses. (PDF, 11KB)
Procedure for the Operation of the Rezoning Panel The objectives of this policy are:To provide guidance on the operation of Councils Rezoning Panel.To establish the procedure used by Council for the operation of the Rezoning PanelTo ensure that consistent advice is given to the public in relation to proposed amendments to the Dungog Local Environmental Plan (LEP) (PDF, 23KB)
Procurement The objective of this policy is to provide guidelines to ensure Council’s procurement of goods, works and services is legal, ethical and to Council’s best advantage. The outcomes of this policy are:• Open and effective competition• Value for money• Ethical behaviour and fair dealing (PDF, 26KB)
Provision of Rural Roads Services The objective of this policy is to provide Rural Roads Services (purchase, dedication, maintenance and development) within the Shire (PDF, 186KB)
Public Gates and Grids The objective of this policy is to regulate the conditions under which Public Gates and Grids may be permitted across public roads. (PDF, 13KB)
Public Interest Disclosures This policy is based on the NSW Ombudsman’s Model Internal reporting Policy- Local Government (June 2014) and supersedes Council’s Protected Disclosures Policy. The purpose of this policy is to establish an internal reporting system for staff and Councillors to report wrongdoing without fear of reprisal. (PDF, 1002KB)
Public Submissions The objective of this policy is to define Councils policy as regards the receipt and handling of public submissions. (PDF, 12KB)