Financial Assistance To Small Non-Profit Organisations with Developmen The objective of this policy is to provide financial assistance to small non-profit organisations in relation to Development Application. (PDF, 33KB)
First Aid at Sporting Events The objectives of this policy is to ensure the provision of adequate First Aid (eg personnel with approved senior first aid certificate) at sporting events equipped to render initial care to players and spectators alike. (PDF, 13KB)
Floodprone Land The objective of this policy is to provide policy a flood prone land within Dungog Shire. (PDF, 11KB)
Flying Foxes The Dungog Shire Wide Flying-Fox Management Plan was prepared by and endorsed by an advisory committee consisting of representatives from Council, State Government, the local community and flying-fox specialists, including ecologists and wildlife carers.The Committee will continue to meet to consider the actions contained in the management plan.For more information on the management of Flying- (PDF, 18MB)
Footpaths for Commercial Purposes, Street Stalls, Goods & Signs on Foo The objective of the policy is to encourage the use of public footpaths for displays and restaurants in accordance with documented guidelines.To provide for a range of uses which supply services in a safe pedestrian environment. (PDF, 335KB)
Footpaths: Intervention Standards, Maintenance Strategy, Repair Proces The objectives of this policy are:To provide for the improvement and maintenance of paved or concrete footpaths to grant safe pedestrian walkways and reduce potential risk hazards to the public in their use.In order to minimise the potential for 'slip, trip and fall' injuries to occur, Council has developed a risk management approach to Council's footpath networks. (PDF, 350KB)