Carnival & Concerts on Council Property The objective of this policy is to set out conditions pertaining to the use of Council property for the conduct of carnivals and concerts and the like in an endeavour to protect Council's interests and the safety of the public. (PDF, 14KB)
Cemeteries The objective of this policy is to provide a dignified, safe and responsive cemetery and memorial service to the community. (PDF, 57KB)
Child Protection This Policy is to ensure the safety of children from all forms of harm and abuse. (PDF, 40KB)
Community (Small) Grants Program The Community (Small) Grants Program Policy is available for viewing below. (PDF, 32KB)
Community Consultation The objective of this policy is to provide Staff with guidelines on the level and method of community consultation required on all non-maintenance activities that are likely to cause disruption to or affect the property in some way. (PDF, 58KB)
Competitive Neutrality Complaints Under the principles of National Competition Policy Council undertakes certain activities that are deemed to be business activities and accordingly such business activities must be able to demonstrate consistency with the principles of National Competition Policy. (PDF, 13KB)
Complaints - Action Requests To demonstrate Council’s commitment to an effective complaint and action request handling system, which:• helps to resolve customer dissatisfaction• increases satisfaction and reduces complaints/requests in the future• provides Council with the opportunity to improve customer services• assists decisions regarding particular instances of dissatisfaction (PDF, 44KB)
Conflict of Interest Council-Related Development Applications Policy To manage potential conflicts of interest and increase transparency at all stages of the development process for Council-related development. (PDF, 748KB)
Connection to Sewer in Clarence Town The objectives of this policy are:To ensure that premises in Clarence Town connect to main reticulated sewer where available.To prevent the on-site storage, treatment and disposal of effluent within the sewered areas of Clarence Town by those other than the Water and Sewer Authority.To improve and maintain public health in these areas (PDF, 743KB)
Contaminated Land Policy The Objectives of this policy are to,Identifying, evaluating and managing contaminated land through the land use planning processRecording, managing and disclosing contaminated land informationReporting contamination to the NSW EPAPreventing or minimising the potential for contamination. (PDF, 776KB)
Contributions to Works for Footpaving The objectives of this policy are:To outline the areas in which Council will construct footpaving.To recover costs of construction of footpaving in certain instances.To make the construction of footpaving a condition of consent of development where such construction is considered necessary. (PDF, 12KB)
Contributions to Works for Kerbing & Guttering The objective of this policy is to set out some of the conditions under which contributions will and will not be required. (PDF, 12KB)
Control of Open Burning Burning in the open in NSW is regulated by the Protection of the Environment (Clean Air) Regulation 2010. Whilst burning of wastes in the open in NSW is generally prohibited, the Regulation allows Dungog Shire Council to approve open burning of dead and dry vegetation in certain circumstances.Council has adopted a 'Control of Open Burning' Policy which defines the circumstances, under which appr (PDF, 727KB)
Conversion of Septic Tanks for Rainwater Storage The objective of this policy is to provide for the safe, hygienic and environmentally sound decommissioning and conversion of existing septic tanks to rain water tanks for the purpose of rainwater storage and use, after premises are connected to the sewerage system or these tanks become redundant. (PDF, 728KB)
Corruption Prevention Dungog Shire Council is committed to build and sustain an ethical, efficient and effective culture where opportunities for fraud, corruption and maladministration are minimised. It will change organisational features that are likely to allow corruption to occur and possibly go unnoticed or unreported. (PDF, 22KB)
Council Meeting Arrangements The objectives of this policy is to:Provide local standing orders or rules for the conduct of meetings. (See also Code of Meeting Practice).Determine procedures and arrangements for meetings supplementary to those contained in the Local Government Act. (PDF, 11KB)
Councillor and Staff Interaction Policy The aim of this Policy is to facilitate a positive working relationship between Councillors, as the community’s elected representatives, and staff, who are employed to administer the operations of the Council. This Policy provides direction on interactions between Councillors and staff to assist both parties in carrying out their day-to-day duties professionally, ethically and respectfully. (PDF, 775KB)
Councillor Expenses and Facilities Policy The Object of this policy:Enable the reasonable and appropriate reimbursement of expenses incurred by Councillors while undertaking their civic duties.Enable facilities of a reasonable and appropriate standard to be provided to Councillors to support them in undertaking their civic duties (PDF, 802KB)
Councillor Induction and Professional Development The purpose of this policy is to demonstrate Dungog Shire Council’s commitment to ensuring that the Mayor and Councillors have access to induction and ongoing professional development which will assist them to develop and maintain the skills and knowledge required to effectively perform their civic role and responsibilities under the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act). (PDF, 738KB)